Agency Touch Points
Agency Touch Points, The Voice of the Personal Lines Customer — Research from The PIA Partnership
What is Agency Touch Points?
Is personal lines insurance just about price? Is it a mere commodity? Is personalized choice and service a thing of the past?
NO!!! Research by The PIA Partnership shows that insurance customers want what independent agents offer. In scientifically validated surveys of insurance customers across the country, The PIA Partnership found that:
- customers want value beyond price
- customers want regular proactive contact to help them be assured that their insurance coverage is comprehensive and up to date
- customers want other things that only independent insurance agents can provide
START WITH THE QUIZ! A brief 6 question quiz on our Agency Touch Points website takes agents through highlights of the survey and results, providing new insight on commonly held misconceptions that many independent agency personnel have been using to guide their personal lines sales and service.
Anyone in the agency who deals directly with personal lines customers needs to take this quiz! The results will most likely surprise you!
Once you've taken the quiz, then you are ready to access the complete Agency Touch Points toolset. Since insurance customers have expressed their desire for proactive attention to their insurance needs, they are opening the door to enhanced opportunity for your agency. Agency Touch Points offers a variety of revenue building tools and resources agencies can use to maximize their “touch point” opportunities with customers and prospects.
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