Company Membership, Sponsorship, and Promotional Opportunities
Become a PIA National Supporter!
Available to vendors and carriers
Are independent insurance agents critical to the success of your business? If so, PIA can help you meet your goals. Becoming an PIA National Supporter is a great way to expand your reach and save money easily.
- Use of PIA National Supporter logo
- New member recognition in PIA National Newsline and on social media
- Company is listed on the supporter page on the PIA National website, including company logo and link to your website
- Subscription to PIA Connection magazine
- Subscription to PIA National Newsline weekly email newsletter
- Receive 10% discount on advertising in PIA Connection Magazine, PIA National Newsline, and sponsorships
- Access to PIA member programs like IdealTraits and Omnia Behavioral profiling
Download the PIA National Supporter Flyer
Already a PIA National Supporter? Download the member logo here.
Questions? Contact Dana Anaman at 703-518-1382 or
Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities
We have numerous sponsorship and promotional opportunities available to help you reach our members, making PIA the best way to reach local independent insurance agencies from coast-to-coast.
Below you’ll find short descriptions of PIA’s sponsorship and promotional opportunities.
Contact: For details and costs for all sponsorship and promotional opportunities, please contact
Company Sponsorships
The PIA Partnership: The PIA Partnership is a joint effort of leading insurance carriers and PIA. PIA and the companies belonging to The PIA Partnership work together to develop hands-on tools for PIA members and agents appointed
by Partnership carriers.
Learn More About the PIA Partnership
PIA Pinnacle Partners: Pinnacle Partners demonstrate their commitment to the independent agency distribution system by financially supporting the development of new marketing tools which are made available to PIA members through
PIA's sales and marketing resources.
The PIA Tech Council: A council of technology leaders and solution providers who will provide ideas, input, and insights on technology and agents to PIA and PIA leadership. In turn, solution providers will have opportunities-–both
in person and online—to drive awareness and use of their solutions among agents.
Learn More About the PIA Tech Council
PIA Advocacy Day: Each year, PIA Agents from around the country travel to Washington, D.C. to attend PIA's annual congressional fly-in, formerly known as the Federal Legislative Summit (FLS).
Learn More About PIA Advocacy Day
PIA National Awards: The prestige of a PIA National award is hard to match in the insurance industry. So is the prestige of sponsoring one. Each year, PIA National presents seven awards, each available for sponsorship: Professional Agent of the Year, Customer Service Representative of the Year, Young Insurance Professional of the Year, Company Award of Excellence, Managing General Agency of the Year, Company Representative of the Year, and Excellence in Social Media.
Advertising To Meet Your Goals & Budgets

The PIA Agency Marketing Guide is an annual publication put out by PIA to help PIA members stay ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing their services in the modern insurance marketplace.
Email Newsletters
PIA National Newsline is the weekly email newsletter of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA National). PIA National Newsline provides timely news and analysis from PIA National.
Print Magazine
PIA Connection is the national publication of PIA, the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents. Circulation is comprised mainly of PIA members, the owners and decision makers of local, professional, independent insurance agencies across America.
Contact Information
As you can see, PIA provides many ways to strengthen your brand and promote your business to independent insurance agents. We encourage you to contact us to discuss your business’s goals.
Dana Anaman
Direct dial: 703-518-1382