PIA Connection Magazine

PIA Connection is the award-winning, print newsletter of PIA National. It contains current insurance industry news and analysis that is particularly relevant to independent insurance agents. PIA Connection is published ten times annually, monthly with combined issues in Nov/Dec and July/Aug.

PIA Connection Archives

PIA members log in above to view current and past issues of PIA Connection Magazine.

Email Version

Membership in PIA includes a subscription to PIA Connection. Members may also receive an email version of the newsletter at no additional charge. Request the email version.


Non-members and PIA members seeking additional copies of the newsletter can subscribe at a cost of $24/year. Download a subscription form here: PIA Connection Subscription


Advertising in PIA Connection puts you in front of PIA members from coast-to-coast, in a publication they trust. Advertising in PIA Connection probably fits into your marketing plans if:

  • You want to reach local, professional, independent insurance agents across America.
  • You want to put your company’s message in front of agency owners and decision makers.
  • You prefer to partner with agents who are committed to their professionalism and their industry. Agents who tend to be just a bit better.

Advertising Contact: To obtain an advertising kit or to learn more about advertising in PIA Connection or PIA's other publications, please contact Mike Skiados mskiados@pianational.org