PIA and CPIA Combined Logo Color (1)
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2025 CPIA 3:

Bismarck: Courtyard by Marriott
               3319 N 14th Street 


Registration starts at 8:30-9:00 a.m. and Class will begin 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
CE Credit: 7 hours 

This program focuses on fulfilling the implied promises contained in the insuring agreement. Students will review methods of providing evidence of insurance coverage; will discuss policies and procedures for controlling errors and omissions including policy review and delivery, endorsements, claims-processing, and handling of client complaints. This course includes a review of Professional Expectations; the Law of Agency; and Legal and Ethical Standards. Throughout each section of the workshop material, tips for preventing Errors & Omissions are highlighted and discussed.

When entering payment, it will ask you to provide the following: Please choose "Other" then enter Member or Non-Member- Enter CPIA 3 and NPN

Member: $125
Non-Members: $150

Click HERE for Payment: Members

Click HERE for Payment: Non-Members 

Click HEREfor Brochure.

Please print and fill out brochure and email to Kym at