About Us
PIA of North Dakota
Chartered in 1964, PIAND works full time to identify & help our members overcome the challenges facing ND independent insurance agents. We provide information and education to assist agents in guiding consumers in the purchase of insurance products. In a nutshell, we communicate, educate and advocate for our members.
The (PIAND) organization has always been a valuable connection for me while serving my clients and providing for my family and any help that I can provide is small in comparison to what I have received.
Tim Hermanson, Manger Insurance, Williston
Aggressive competition, consumer demand for more professionalism and competence, the impact of technology, and the increasing complexity of insurance products makes education a key component of any professional agents' success. PIAND provides a variety of continuing education and professional development programs throughout the calendar year.
Communication ranks among PIAND's highest & most focused priorities. Our legislative & crop grassroots alerts, up-to-date and timely correspondence, weekly PIA Insider, active website & multiple other outreach efforts keep our members informed about the latest issues in our industry.
Membership in PIAND ensures that your voice as a ND insurance agent is heard. PIAND's strong and active relations with the ND Insurance Department, state legislature, Congress, USDA, & other government entities effectively build member interests. PIAND gives members a voice at the policy table and they know their voice is heard.
Members govern PIAND by electing volunteers to the board of directors. Agents come from throughout the state to serve the association & contribute to its cause. PIAND National Director Kevin Svingen says, “PIAND focuses on members. It keeps members in the loop and follows the direction they choose." Hundreds of agents appreciate that PIAND is a community of professional insurance agents working together to make each agent and our industry better for everyone. PIAND is always there to help our members with any issues that they face. The fourteen agents elected to our Board of Directors represent every corner of North Dakota. This keeps PIAND a trade association that your fellow ND agents operate to promote the interests of agents like you.
Steve Becher
Executive Director
Kym Gilman
Administrative Assistant