COVID-19 Vaccinations Do Not Affect Life Insurance Benefits

Mar 23, 2021, 10:41 AM by Ted Besesparis
Getting a COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t affect your ability to collect on a life insurance policy, according to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). Baseless social media posts claim getting vaccinated threatens life insurance benefits because the vaccines are “experimental.” That’s not true.

Getting a COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t affect your ability to collect on a life insurance policy, according to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). Baseless social media posts claim getting vaccinated threatens life insurance benefits because the vaccines are “experimental.” That’s not true.

Vaccines made by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson received emergency use authorizations after FDA safety reviews. Doug Slape, TDI’s chief deputy commissioner, said, “You should make this decision based on your health and safety and be confident that it won’t affect any potential life insurance benefits.”

Jennifer Cawley, president of the Texas Association of Life and Health Insurers, agreed.

“Life insurance policy contracts are very clear on how policies work, and what cause, if any, might lead to the denial of a benefit,” Cawley said. “A vaccine for COVID-19 is not one of them. Policyholders can be confident that nothing has changed in the claims-paying process as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations.”